How to Make an Offer on a Home


An offer is an expression of willingness to enter into a contract on a specified set of terms. It may be made expressly, orally or in writing. It can be addressed to a single person, a group of persons or the world at large.

An offer can be revoked before it is accepted, but the revocation must be communicated to the offeree (although not necessarily by the offeror,[16]). If the offer was made to the entire world, such as in Carlill’s case,[5] the revocation must take a form that is similar to the offer. If the offer is one that leads to a unilateral contract, such as an option (see also option contract), the revocation is irrevocable for the period specified by the offeror.

The offer is a written document that lays out the details of the agreement between two parties, including the amount that each party will pay for the goods or services. In most cases, the offer is a binding contract that must be accepted by both parties.

A valid offer must be reasonable and have been negotiated with the other party, which requires both parties to be knowledgeable about the relevant legal issues involved. The law determines whether a contract has been formed based on an objective test, which involves examining a reasonable person’s view of the situation. Also read


It is often difficult to decide how much to offer for a home, but it is important to know what the market will bear and the price you are willing to pay. You will need to factor in the estimated home value, your personal needs and any other conditions that are relevant to you.

Ideally, your real estate agent will be able to provide you with an estimate of the market value of your home. If this is not possible, you should be prepared to accept offers below your asking price and negotiate accordingly.

You can increase your chances of securing an offer on your home by preparing a comprehensive package that includes all necessary information about the property. This can include an appraisal, inspection and loan contingencies.

Be sure to include a closing date that is in your best interest, as the seller will likely want to close on your offer soon after receiving it. Similarly, it is important to have enough cash in hand to close the transaction.

Consider writing a heartfelt letter to the seller explaining your reasons for wanting to buy their home. If the seller is genuinely interested in your offer, this can be a great way to get your offer to the top of the pile and increase your odds of success.


Your real estate agent can help you to write a comprehensive and professional offer that will give you an edge over the competition. They can also advise you on the best ways to present your offer and how to structure your offer to get the most for your investment.

It is often tempting to use additional details in an offer letter, but these can make it more difficult to enforce the contract. In addition, writing extra detail can cause the other party to reject your offer, as they will not have understood the full extent of your intentions.

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